NCAA Inaugural Conference: Day 1

Wow! What an incredible start to our 2018 conference. The energy and excitement could be felt by all. It was a historic day full of compelling information and a lot of fun!

Dr. Ian Windmill, AuD kicked off the day …

Your Vote Counts!

Dear NCAA Members,

It’s time for elections! Please check your emails for a link. Please take the time to vote for your new leadership! NCAA has many decisions to make about how we spend out time, our money, and our …

NCAA Conference – Featured Session – Meg Dillon, AuD

NCAA Annual Conference: Friday October 5th.
Featured Session, Meg Dillon, AuD
Title: Expanded Indications for Cochlear Implantation: Contribution of Acoustic Hearing, Programming, and Outcomes

Dr. Dillon is an associate professor and the Director of Cochlear Implant Clinical Research at UNC-Chapel …

Let’s Get Ready to Round Table!

We are proud to announce a Round Table Discussion: “PSAPs and OTCs—Friend or Foe?” 
Friday, October 5, at 11:30 am.

This event will be moderated by Gordon Fletcher, AuD, with an esteemed assortment of featured speakers and members as participants. …

You Won’t Be Hangry at this Conference!

There is nothing worse than being hungry at a conference! At the NCAA conference
we will be having a light breakfast both days, boxed lunch on Thursday, Buffet lunch on Friday and break time snacks!! Yum!

Don’t forget to register …